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Please select the TRUE statement.

a) Anesthetic agents are being investigated for potential neurotoxicity in children, especially those less than 4 years old

b) Since surgery in young children is often not elective, it is best to reduce potential neurotoxicity by minimizing anesthetic duration and frequency, maintaining hemodynamic stability under anesthesia, and avoiding metabolic derangements and hypoxemia

c) Based on animal models, the period of susceptibility when the human brain is rapidly developing is estimated to be between the third trimester of pregnancy and the third year of life

d) All of the above are correct

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Answer d. All of the above are correct. Neurocognitive outcomes in infant humans following general anesthesia are being investigated in numerous ongoing studies. At this time, best practice most likely involves postponing elective cases, decreasing duration and frequency of anesthetics for non-elective cases, and maintaining homeostasis during general anesthesia.


This question originally printed in the Pediatric Anesthesiology Review Topics kindle book series, and appears courtesy of Naerthwyn Press, LLC.


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