In a pediatric patient with an upper respiratory tract infection presenting for elective hernia repair, which of the following symptoms should most likely result in case postponement:

a) Rectal temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius

b) Cough productive of yellow-green sputum

c) History of treatment with a 7-day antibiotic course and resolution of symptoms

d) Rhinorrhea (clear fluid)

e) Dry cough

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Answer b.

Several symptoms are considered relative contraindications to proceed with elective surgery in a child with symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection, including: temperature greater than 38.5 degrees Celsius, toxic or illappearance, active wheezing, or signs of a lower respiratory tract infection, such as a cough productive of yellow-green sputum.


This question originally printed in the Pediatric Anesthesiology Review Topics kindle book series, and appears courtesy of Naerthwyn Press, LLC.


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