Substance Use Disorder

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Koob GF, Nestler EJ. The neurobiology of drug addiction. JNeuropsychiatry ClinNeurosci. 1997 1997;9(3):482-497. In File.

Horseman C, Meyer A. Neurobiology of Addiction. Clin Obstet Gynecol. Mar 2019;62(1):118-127. doi:10.1097/grf.0000000000000416

Nestler EJ. Epigenetic mechanisms of drug addiction. Neuropharmacology. Jan 2014;76 Pt B(0 0):259-68. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2013.04.004

Volkow ND, Koob GF, McLellan AT. Neurobiologic Advances from the Brain Disease Model of Addiction. The New England journal of medicine. Jan 28 2016;374(4):363-71. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1511480

Volkow ND, Boyle M. Neuroscience of Addiction: Relevance to Prevention and Treatment. Am J Psychiatry. Aug 1 2018;175(8):729-740. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2018.17101174

Taddio A, Goldbach M, Ipp M, Stevens B, Koren G. Effect of neonatal circumcision on pain responses during vaccination in boys [see comments]. Lancet (London, England). 1995 1995;345(8945):291-292. Not in File.

Stone K, Rice-Weimer J, Tram NK, Tobias JD. Efficacy of an expanded preoperative survey during perioperative care to identify illicit substance use in teenagers and adolescents. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2023;33(10):808-815. doi:

Szalavitz M. The Traumatic Roots of Addiction: A new generation of treatments addresses the trauma that often underlies addiction. Sci Am 2024; 331(3): 44.

Santo T, Jr., Campbell G, Gisev N, et al. Prevalence of childhood maltreatment among people with opioid use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug and alcohol dependence 2021; 219: 108459.

Grummitt L, Barrett E, Kelly E, Newton N. An Umbrella Review of the Links Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Substance Misuse: What, Why, and Where Do We Go from Here? Subst Abuse Rehabil 2022; 13: 83-100.

Giordano GN, Ohlsson H, Kendler KS, Sundquist K, Sundquist J. Unexpected adverse childhood experiences and subsequent drug use disorder: a Swedish population study (1995–2011). Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2014; 109(7): 1119-27.

Hatoum AS, Colbert SMC, Johnson EC, et al. Multivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of over 1 million subjects identifies loci underlying multiple substance use disorders. Nat Ment Health 2023; 1(3): 210-23.