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Processed EEG monitor. The PSI (Patient State Index) translates the effect of anesthetic drugs in humans into a numeric scale ranging from 0 (complete EEG suppression) to 100 (fully awake). The target value for general anesthesia is between 25-50. A study showed that this monitor better captured changes in brain state from dexmedetomidine sedation, compared to RASS score and SEF95[1]. Another study suggests that PSI may be adequate to monitor anesthesia with sevoflurane in the pediatric population, when compared to the BIS monitor<ref>Usefulness of bispectral index and patient state index during sevoflurane anesthesia in children: A prospective observational study

Comparison of Nasal and Frontal BIS Monitoring in Neurosurgery: Does the Site of Sensor Placement Affect the BIS Values?

The Influence of Electroencephalographic Density Spectral Array Guidance of Sevoflurane Administration on Recovery From General Anesthesia in Children. A Randomized Controlled Trial

  1. EEG response of dexmedetomidine during drug induced sleep endoscopy