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OA-SPA Pediatric Anesthesia Virtual Grand Rounds: Ultrasound-guided Pudendal Nerve Block for Children in the Lithotomy Position

How I Do It: The pudendal nerve block for pediatric ambulatory urologic surgery

Ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block in children: A new technique of ultrasound-guided transperineal approach

Naja ZM, Ziade FM, Kamel R, El-Kayali S, Daoud N, El-Rajab MA. Theeffectiveness of pudendal nerve block versus caudal block anesthesiafor hypospadias in children.Anesth Analg. 2013;117:1401-1407.

Kendigelen P, Tutuncu AC, Emre S, Altindas F, Kaya G. PudendalVersus Caudal Block in Children Undergoing Hypospadias Surgery: ARandomized Controlled Trial.Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2016;41:610-615.

Aissaoui Y, Bruy�ere R, Mustapha H, Bry D, Kamili ND, Miller C. Arandomized controlled trial of pudendal nerve block for pain reliefafter episiotomy.Anesth Analg. 2008;107:625-629.

Naja Z, El-Rajab M, Al-Tannir M, et al. Nerve stimulator guidedpudendal nerve block versus general anesthesia for hemorrhoidec-tomy.Can J Anaesth. 2006;53:579-585.

Naja Z, Ziade MF, L€onnqvist PA. Nerve stimulator guided pudendalnerve block decreases posthemorrhoidectomy pain.Can J Anaesth.2005;52:62-68.

Naja Z, Al-Tannir MA, Faysal W, Daoud N, Ziade F, El-Rajab M. Acomparison of pudendal block vs dorsal penile nerve block for cir-cumcision in children: a randomised controlled trial.Anaesthesia.2011;66:802-807.

Polaner DM, Taenzer AH, Walker BJ, et al. Pediatric Regional Anes-thesia Network (PRAN): a multi-institutional study of the use andincidence of complications of pediatric regional anesthesia.AnesthAnalg. 2012;115:1353-1364.

Merkel SI, Voepel-Lewis T, Shayevitz JR, Malviya S. The FLACC: abehavioral scale for scoring postoperative pain in young children.Pediatr Nurs. 1997;23:293-297.

Fronh€ofer G, Niernberger T, Anderhuber F. Variations in the branch-ing of the internal pudendal artery in the ischioanal fossa.Ann Anat.1996;178:133-135.

Mahakkanukrauh P, Surin P, Vaidhayakarn P. Anatomical study ofthe pudendal nerve adjacent to the sacrospinous ligament.Clin Anat.2005;18:200-205.

Schraffordt SE, Tjandra JJ, Eizenberg N, Dwyer PL. Anatomy of thepudendal nerve and its terminal branches: a cadaver study.ANZ JSurg. 2004;74:23-26.

Kovacs P, Gruber H, Piegger J, Bodner G. New, simple, ultrasound-guided infiltration of the pudendal nerve: ultrasonographic tech-nique.Dis Colon Rectum. 2001;44:1381-1385.

Rofaeel A, Peng P, Louis I, Chan V. Feasibility of real-time ultrasoundfor pudendal nerve block in patients with chronic perineal pain.RegAnesth Pain Med. 2008;33:139-145.

Bellingham GA, Bhatia A, Chan CW, Peng PW. Randomized con-trolled trial comparing pudendal nerve block under ultrasound andfluoroscopic guidance.Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2012;37:262-266.

Bendtsen TF, Parras T, Moriggl B, et al. Ultrasound-Guided PudendalNerve Block at the Entrance of the Pudendal (Alcock) Canal:Description of Anatomy and Clinical Technique.Reg Anesth PainMed. 2016;41:140-145