
From PedsAnesthesiaNet


The world of pediatric anesthesia, pain management, and peri-operative medicine is an ever-growing complex network of scientifically grounded evidence, local custom, and unfounded dogma (some that works and some that doesn't). The creation of a dynamic repository of knowledge and experience in an area of clinical medicine is likened to the first writings of stories and legends by the Shaman.

First, it enables communication of ideas beyond the distance a voice will carry as well as permit a permanent registration of current and common thought for future generations.

Second, I envision such a Wiki, one that has its common thread "Pediatric Anesthesia", to be increasingly important in our fast-paced world. It can permit the community of those caring for the patient in the operating room (or anywhere, for that matter), to embrace the common pulse of knowledge and wisdom.

Third, certainly this wisdom will evolve - not everything will be "right" the first time we describe it - but a medium such as a Wiki will permit such a record to grow and change as necessary so as to educate and profess an ongoing improvement in quality care.

Finally, I also hope that in those areas where "evidence" is not clear (yet), varying experiences can present their perspectives and thoughts, so that others may listen, question, and learn using complimentary media, such as the forum.

Please embrace the idea, find your voice, and tell your story of understanding.

In order to retain a certain degree of consistency, scientific validation, and temperance, entries to this wiki will be reviewed by leaders in the field. While the fluidity and dynamic nature of a wiki is somewhat different from a classical textbook or journal, the importance of clear, legitimate, and well-grounded presentation of information is paramount. That is not to say that there is no room for opinion or interpretation - quite the contrary - for those with experience and perspective may have a significant contribution in interpreting and balancing the developing science with a seasoned understanding. That too is welcomed here.

Robert S. Greenberg, M.D.


pediatric, anesthesia, paediatric anaesthesia, paediatric surgery, drugs, intensive care medicine, pharmacology, analgesia, children, infants, premature, ex-premature, clinical paediatrics, clinical pediatrics, peri-operative medicine, pain management