Mitochondrial Disease

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Relevant Article Depot:

A review of anaesthetic outcomes in patients with genetically confirmed mitochondrial disorders

Mitochondrial Disease and Anesthesia

Anesthetic Hypersensitivity in a Case-Controlled Series of Patients With Mitochondrial Disease

Diagnosis and management of mitochondrial disease: a consensus statement from the Mitochondrial Medicine Society

Anesthetic considerations in patients with mitochondrial defects

Hypoxia treatment reverses neurodegenerative disease in a mouse model of Leigh syndrome

Hypoxia ameliorates brain hyperoxia and NAD(+) deficiency in a murine model of Leigh syndrome

Hypoxia as a therapy for mitochondrial disease

Open Anesthesia: Anesthetic Considerations in Patients with Mitochondrial Disease

Volatile anaesthetic toxicity in the genetic mitochondrial disease Leigh syndrome

Mitochondrial diseases and anesthesia: a literature review of current opinions

Anesthesia for children with mitochondrial disorders: a national survey and review

Sevoflurane as opposed to propofol anesthesia preserves mitochondrial function and alleviates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury