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Relevant Article Depot:

Ketamine for the treatment of acute pain

Clinical effects of adjunctive atropine during ketamine sedation in pediatric emergency patients

Intranasal ketamine for procedural sedation and analgesia in children: A systematic review

Ketamine-induced intracranial hypertension

Increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure after ketamine

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Intranasal Ketamine for Acute Pain

Traumatic brain injury: pathophysiology for neurocritical care

Ketamine Psychedelic and Antinociceptive Effects Are Connected

Piercing the Ketamine Cloud

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Acute Effects of Ketamine on Intracranial Pressure in Children With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Anesthesia and Sedation Exposure and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Infants Undergoing Congenital Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Ketamine-Induced Cystitis: A Comprehensive Review of the Urologic Effects of This Psychoactive Drug

Repurposing General Anesthetic Drugs to Treat Depression: A New Frontier for Anesthesiologists in Neuropsychiatric Care