Bone Marrow Harvest

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V. PEREZ DE SÁ1,*, A. BÉKASSY2, H. SCHOU1 andO. WERNER1. Bone marrow harvesting in children managed without allogenic blood. Pediatric Anesthesia Volume 4, Issue 6, pages 375–381, November 1994.

J. Filshie MB BS, FFARCS1, A. N. Pollock MB, ChB, FFARCS2, R. G. Hughes MRCP, MRCPath3 andY. A. Omar MB, BCh, D. The anaesthetic management of bone marrow harvest for transplantation Anaesthesia Volume 39, Issue 5, pages 480–484, May 1984

Burmeister MA1, Standl T, Brauer P, Ramsperger K, Kröger N, Zander A, Schulte am Esch J. Safety and efficacy of spinal vs general anaesthesia in bone marrow harvesting. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1998 Jun;21(11):1145-8.
