Morbidly obese pediatric patients are at risk for which of the following comorbidities?
a) Difficult intubation
b) Pulmonary hypertension
c) Emphysema
d) Cerebral vascular disease
e) All of the above
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Answer f. Other comorbidities in the extremely obese population include hypertension, right- and left-ventricular hypertrophy, Type II diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, obstructive sleep apnea, restrictive lung disease due to abdominal competition, hepatic steatosis, and increased risk of thromboembolic disease. Interestingly, pediatric bariatric surgical patients do not appear to be at increased risk for difficult intubation.
- This question originally printed in the Pediatric Anesthesiology Review Topics kindle book series, and appears courtesy of Naerthwyn Press, LLC.